At PICO we know there are better technologies available to improve, streamline and assist your work in hospitality. We see the outdated operational offerings in the industry, and we are determined to bring you our world-class innovations. We focus on sustainable solutions that help reduce waste, increase safety, reduce long-term costs, and allow food service professionals to operate with confidence and ease.

The PICO difference is defined by 6 key principles:







We Have Some Great Partners

But It’s Not All About The Products…

At PICO, we believe in Partnerships and building relationships. We offer best-in-class service and support to all of our valued clients. By listening carefully to what our customers are saying, we’re able to constantly improve and stay ahead in the industry simply by being responsive. We pride ourselves with elevating the customer and guest experience, and want to ensure that your business is operating efficiently and effectively.

PICO makes it easy for you to run your business with the right products, service and solutions. Contact us today and experience the PICO difference.